Thursday 7 April 2011

No-one Can Ever Know


  1. Wow!!

    Love the comic strips.

    Very creative and funny!!!

  2. *gawps at Bryony* 'Tisn't fair! How come you can be so hilarious and good at art and when I try I end up with a fossilised fish... :/ Ah well... awesome job on the comics, keep it up! XD EPICCCCCCCCC!!!!!!!! (yes, you deserved the extra Cs *puts on cheyrl cole voice* because your worth it :)

  3. Good at art....they're stick men Tessa. Stick men.

  4. Yes, yes it is a boob. Why? Because I was trying to come up with a suitable punishment and it was the first thing that came to mind.

    A girl stick you say? Hmmm.....Lightbulb!

    And I will stick you in a comic - I suppose anyone can be in it by request. Just give me something I can draw (certain hair colour, random umbrella etc)
